There is always hope...

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

I have heard that when an eagle wounds its wing, it tucks itself into the crevasse of a mountain and stays there until its wing is completely healed. The wing after being injured is stronger and more powerful than it was before.

We must fight the good fight of faith. We undoubtedly will come up wounded from time to time however, if we secure ourselves beneath the shadow of the Almighty we will grow stronger and more powerful with time.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Maybe We Should

There are so many grand causes in the world to fight for or against: child abuse, hunger, the salvation of the unsaved... and yet often times we choose to ignore the everyday causes; the causes that build people up and ripple over to affect the grand causes.

We get fired up about the politician on the hill who lied about legislation; yet we lie to the one we say we love, sitting right next to us.
We are outraged by all the starving people in the world; yet we are starving each other of affection and kindness.
We are disheartened by crime we see; yet we steal time from our families.
We are infuriated by child abuse; yet we verbally neglect our own children.
We are angered by the death of a loved one and yet we were too busy for them while they were here.

It is the hurt from these everyday events that create the monumental causes we stand up and fight for.

Maybe we should fight for our relationships in truth and in deed.
Maybe we should fight hunger with hard work and perseverance.
Maybe we should fight crime by being honest forthright people.
Maybe we should fight for children by raising up ours with care.
Maybe we should fight for the life partner God has placed in our lives as a gift.
Maybe we should fight for others more than we fight for ourselves.

Maybe we should before it’s too late.