There is always hope...

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

I have heard that when an eagle wounds its wing, it tucks itself into the crevasse of a mountain and stays there until its wing is completely healed. The wing after being injured is stronger and more powerful than it was before.

We must fight the good fight of faith. We undoubtedly will come up wounded from time to time however, if we secure ourselves beneath the shadow of the Almighty we will grow stronger and more powerful with time.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Precious Perspectives

Sweet, tiny voices lifted up a Birthday song to Jesus at New Life Church last Sunday. “Happy Birthday, Jesus. I’m so glad it’s Christmas. All the tinsel and lights and the presents are nice, but the real gift is you. Happy Birthday, Jesus. Jesus, I love you.” Their precious faces beamed out at the audience as they finished off their joyous performance with ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas.’ Some had fun and were excited while others were scared to death to stand in front of a crowd and sing. However, each small voice came together as a group to sing out a beautiful and true Christmas message. Through their comments and reactions a child can put everything into perspective during this crazy holiday season. If we watch and listen, the pure in heart will reveal to us many different and real perspectives on what is important at Christmas time.

Four year old Mia sat on my lap as we watched the movie of Jesus’ birth. She smelled like baby powder and every so often would burst into the chorus of ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’, which she could only remember the first part of, so I sang the rest with her. She was full of energy, yet content. She had lots of questions about the movie we were watching. Primarily, “Where is Jesus?” I told her that He is the baby in the story and he is about to be born. She had come to church with her grandparents and older sister McKenzie. Her joy was in the bounce in her step and her casual innocent conversation. Here was a child who felt loved and carefree and everything that was a part of Christmas just added to her joy. Still other children look forward to Christmas because it will bring them the joy that is not consistent in their lives.

Nine year old Ariana Faith wrote Santa Clause a letter on Christmas Eve; a letter that moved her mother to tears.

Dear Santa,

It has been a really tough year. My dad is in jail, my mom lost her job, we have to move out of our apartment and I just had to give away my dog. My mom and I cried for two hours after they came and took him. So, if I could just have everything on my list it would make it all a little better. Also, I made you some coffee. If it gets cold you can heat it in the microwave. Thank you.

From, Ariana

When I heard about her letter it broke my heart, because not only are all those awful things happening to a child in the course of one year, but the realization of it all has settled down in her heart. She has no control over these circumstances. She is just along for the ride. However, the hope of Christmas and the possibility that she may get some gifts she wants, brings her joy. This joy, even if only for a short time, keeps her looking towards brighter days. I have known this child from the time she was born and she is beautiful inside and out A few good presents just might help her feel good, at least for awhile. So, did she get everything on her list? Yes, she did and her spirit was lifted. Sometimes a lifted spirit is all that is on a child’s list.

Six year old Gabriel has to live with his Grandparents in Honduras for several months at a time, due to his dear mother’s unfavorable and difficult circumstances. His mother, who is a dear friend of mine works two jobs just to make their world go round and she very seldom has a day off. This is his second Christmas they have spent a part. He asks his mom “Are you coming for Christmas and my birthday?” With a torn heart she tells him no. “But, mom, I just want you to come for Christmas.” Even with the gifts he is sure to receive he would rather just have his mom with him. His joy will have to come at a later time and it will.

Whether it is the singing of ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ and the story of Jesus from a child who doesn’t have a care in the world or a heart felt letter to Santa from a little girl that hopes for all the gifts on her list or an over the phone plea from a small boy who just wants to be with his mom; we discover that Christmas can be whatever we need it to be.

Each precious child sees the light of Christmas in their own unique and cherished perspective. Each perspective is real to the pure in heart and therefore, justifiably valuable.

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