A friend of mine always tells me, “Ya know, I’m more than just beautiful biceps,” which he very much is. However, a few days ago he said to me, “You’re more than just brains;” which he said as I was sweating on the treadmill in over sized workout clothes. That comment made me think a little. What in that moment did I have that I apparently lacked for so many years? It certainly wasn’t my attire. As of late I have been determined to convey my intelligence above all else. I do not want to be treated as some guy’s trophy piece so I make it very clear that I am not a hot chic without any thoughts of my own. Perhaps, I can grab a hold of both, being sexy and intelligently classy and simply be captivating. What is it that makes a woman sexy and hot while she’s classy and intelligent all at the same time?
Society tells us we have to be perfectly in shape, have a large bust size, reveal everything that we have and not leave anything up to the imagination. Just give it all up and flaunt it. That is sexy. We are bombarded by ads of woman in seductive poses to tantalize men’s visual senses. So there are two extremes; the exposing one of society and the other that stubbornly tells us to keep that sex appeal completely hidden so people will know we achieved what we have so far because of our brains. I believe both extremes are off the mark. We should not reveal it all or hide it either, but we should embrace who we are and what we have as women.
I have found that it takes an inner confidence, overall health and your own subtle nuances to be sexy. First of all, discover what makes you who you are: what you believe in and stand for; figure out your thoughts and opinions on issues that you are passionate about; make a list of all that is good about you, what you love about yourself. Your confidence will soar when you put to paper all that you have to offer. Just so you know you do have a unique combination of qualities and gifts that are special to you.
Engage in healthy activities: go for an afternoon walk and give yourself some time to think; eat a salad full of your favorite veggies; refresh yourself with plenty of water; play tennis with your girlfriends. Mental activities are healthy and stimulating, as well. Read a book to further your education on something that interests you; watch ‘I love Lucy’ reruns if you have not had a good laugh in awhile.
Decide what makes you feel sexy: clothes that show off your shape and personal style; what perfume has ‘you’ written all over it; take a bubble bath, point your toe and put your leg up on the side of the tub just for fun; wink at your husband from across the room; dye your hair a new shade to catch the hazel flakes in your eyes. When you know what makes you feel sexy you will be sexy. Use all your senses and remind yourself just how passionate you are.
Now, just because you want people to know you are smart does not mean you cannot put on that strapless summer dress and heals and enter that party with your head held high, your skin moisturized and that new hue of lipstick. Once they marvel at how awesome you look you can then surprise them with meaningful and insightful conversation.
I think for some time I have underestimated the power that comes from feeling sexy as a woman. But perhaps developing my thoughts, using my brains and having a moral standard is partly what makes me sexy. The more I realize how much I have to offer and feel great about myself the sexier I feel and I am fully able to express my intelligence.
We do not have to wear a short skirt to be sexy or pretend like we do not understand something to get attention and generate conversation. We can dress classy and add knowledge to conversations all the while feeling sexy. We can be captivating.